Having moved to Boston recently, I was feeling quite upset about leaving my 600 sq yard house, which had an approximately 250 sq yard garden with lots of fruits and vegetables growing at home. On a bright Sunday morning, while having my coffee out in the deck, I just remembered about the cut spring onion roots which I had wrapped in a tissue paper and kept aside to plant, but was indolent to do it for quite a few days. I asked my son Suhas to bring me the cut spring onion roots from the kitchen, and without much effort I dug the soil about 1-2 inches deep and planted the roots, covered them with soil, and sprinkled some water on them. I kept looking at them for a day or two. On the third day, it rained for a while. I was preoccupied with my daily chores and couldn’t go out to the deck to check on my plants for the next two days. Then came Saturday morning, and when I entered the deck with my cup of coffee, I was surprised to see the spring onion shoots coming up and yes, they’re growing healthy. I was very happy at nature’s bliss and felt like they were telling me, “You might be lazy to do your job, but we’re not!”.
Truly amazed by the kindness of nature. Sometimes, the little moments in your everyday life can inspire you to become more aware of your surroundings. A little dirt doesn’t hurt anyone. The earthy smell, feeling the coolness of the soil crumbling through the hands, digging the hole and sowing the seeds, watering them and watching them grow …..aahhh it’s all so therapeutic! I think if every one of us tries to grow some fruits and veggies at home, we can not only save a few bucks but can also eat healthy and stay healthy. And trust me, the joy in eating home grown food is immense. Today my friend sent me a picture of the pomegranate tree that was blossoming in my garden back in India and I was so happy about it that I shared the picture with each and every member of my family. Though I cannot taste the fruits by myself, the thought of sharing them with family and friends only brought a smile on my face. I hope someday I can create my kitchen garden again here in Boston. Grow what you eat! Happy gardening 😀
Click here to see my food recipes on this blog!