Tomatillos- “What are these?!” I exclaimed when I saw them for the first time in the Indian grocery store. Wrapped inside a paper-like husk, I found this vegetable very interesting. I held it in my hand and removed the husk to see how it looks from the inside. And I understood that it’s from the tomato family itself and very similar to a green tomato. I just picked a few of them, though I had no idea at that time what I was gonna prepare with them; I was sure that I could make a good use of this vegetable.
The next day, when I prepared the evening snack Mirchi bajji (Chili fritters), I made a chutney (sauce) using these tomatillos. I used them like the regular tomatoes for my chutney, but when I tasted the chutney it was so delicious and had a very unique and exotic taste, unlike regular red tomatoes. These tomatillos are tangier than the regular tomatoes, so they’re perfect to use in the chutney. I was happy to discover one more vegetable to add in my recipes and since then this vegetable is always on my purchase list every time I visit the supermarket. Try it next time when you’re making your evening snack or even a dosa, and want to try with some new sauce or chutney by the side. I’m positive you’ll love it!
Click here for the recipe of Mirchi Bajji.
Click here for the recipes of other Chutneys & Pickles on my blog!
Tomatillo Chutney Recipe:
Wash and cut the tomatillos into cubes. I also added one red tomato just to give a mix of colors to my chutney. But its totally optional. You can use just the tomatillos. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a saucepan over medium heat and add tomatoes. Also add a few green chilis to it. I added 6-8 medium sized chilis to my tomatoes. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and salt to taste. Let them cook on medium heat.
Add some tamarind into the saucepan and let it cook along with the tomatoes. As tomatillos are already very sour in taste, just add a little bit of tamarind.
When the tomatoes are cooked properly, turn the heat off and let them cool down. Add some fresh coriander leaves and blend it into a smooth paste. Do not add any water as the tomatoes already have enough juice in them. Transfer it into a bowl and season it with tempering. And for tempering, follow the same procedure like the other chutneys. Transfer it into an airtight container and store it for later use. This chutney tastes well with any Indian appetizer, snack or breakfast dish. You can also mix it in plain white rice and eat it. It’s yum! Enjoy 😀